Creating your amazing JS application is not enough , now it's time to get it ready for the real world - Mobile.
Debugging mobile apps can be a pain in the neck, you have multiple platforms, multiple versions etc, for example developing for iOS requires you to own a Mac, android development has many packages to download and not so easy.
Wondering the web you probably find
Sencha and
jQueryMobile as the leading JS web developments.I started with
Sencha, downloaded the editor but learning curve was to long for my needs. (More on Sencha in a future post)
I was searching for alternatives and found a nice web tool called
Tiggzi, it was simple and intuitive but not powerful for most of my needs. In any case all IDEs had major issues trying to debug them.
Looking for the best bread solution I found
Ripple (which was bought by RIM). Ripple is a Chrome plugin allows you to set and test any mobile configuration: GPS, Acceleration, Contacts etc., You can choose between platforms (IOS, Android, HTC and more), the actual device (iPhone, iPad) and even its orientation.
Basically you can enable Ripple for any website, below you can see this blog over iPhone.
Installation is quite easy and took me less then a minute, once you up and running you can set every website into Mobile environment with in a single click!
Ripple mobile addin wraps the website you currently visit and allows you to set the platform, location on the map, acceleration, dev platform (PhoneGap, MobileWeb) And even contact list so you can test real world scenarios.
Debugging is easy thanks to Chrome (
Ctrl+Shift+J ) great debugger!
Note: you should disable any popup blocker before trying to run anything!!!
Things I would add to Ripple:
- Ability to test camera and photos library
- Add images and details to dummy contacts
- Fix annoying bug where page is not loading due to ripple.js cannot be found
You can get Ripple here:
Happy testing!